Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Blending methods for Ethanol across Europe....Part 1

Mmmmmmmm beer.....also, 4 days late... shhhh.... nobody will know....

Miranda's doing snack foods, I get to showcase beer! No, I won't be finding out how many it takes to forget the evening.

Had a phenomenal beer in Reykjavik(actually, it was at the Blue Lagoon) called "Gull".

Quite light and refreshing.... Little bit of a fruit flavor, but which one we're not sure. Perhaps the high rating was the heat from the lagoon talking. Miranda agreed, though again, possibly the lack of food and the heated water. I'd certainly try it again, so it can't possibly be entirely horrible.

Today(Mar 2nd) in the "Silver Cross", a London pub close to Trafalgar Square, I sampled a local ale called "London Pride". A light amber with a bit more hops, it went well with our pub lunch.

More to come from the nomads!


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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